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Logpile: A pile of logs left as a micro-habitat for woodboring insects on a nature reserve in West Sussex, England.
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A pile of logs left as a micro-habitat for woodboring insects on a nature reserve in West Sussex, England.
Logpile: A pile of logs left as a micro-habitat for woodboring insects on a nature reserve in West Sussex, England.

September 19, 2011 harrynl

very good picture, nice work!

March 6, 2010 BuzyBee

Great picture. Wonder how many insects are inside?

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Published: February - 26 - 2010
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Logpile: A pile of logs left as a micro-habitat for woodboring insects on a nature reserve in West Sussex, England. Logpile: A pile of logs left as a micro-habitat for woodboring insects on a nature reserve in West Sussex, England. Logpile: A pile of logs left as a micro-habitat for woodboring insects on a nature reserve in West Sussex, England. Logpile: A pile of logs left as a micro-habitat for woodboring insects on a nature reserve in West Sussex, England. 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/m/mi/micromoth/600/mjbrSg4.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/m/mi/micromoth/600/mjbrSg4.jpg 100px
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