How they used to be made

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How they used to be made: WW2 Motorcycle engine
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WW2 Motorcycle engine
How they used to be made: WW2 Motorcycle engine

June 1, 2011 crisderaud

Looks very collectable.

May 31, 2011 johndwright

This looks like an Indian 741b motorcycle 1941. 38000 were made by the Indian factory for the British Army

chidseyc profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 2816px * 2112px
Published: June - 18 - 2010
Camera: Canon
Date: 2008:06:28 10:07:02
Exposure: 1/200
Focal length: 27600/1000
ISO: --
Permalink mtLNpycx
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How they used to be made: WW2 Motorcycle engine How they used to be made: WW2 Motorcycle engine How they used to be made: WW2 Motorcycle engine How they used to be made: WW2 Motorcycle engine 300px // 600px // 100px