Lazy monkey

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Lazy monkey: I don't recall the species, but this was a very cute (but scary!) monkey at Zoo Antwerp. He was behind glass. The first moment it was asleep and the next he looked right into the lens.
*I looked it up: red ruffed lemur!
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I don't recall the species, but this was a very cute (but scary!) monkey at Zoo Antwerp. He was behind glass. The first moment it was asleep and the next he looked right into the lens. *I looked it up: red ruffed lemur!
Lazy monkey: I don't recall the species, but this was a very cute (but scary!) monkey at Zoo Antwerp. He was behind glass. The first moment it was asleep and the next he looked right into the lens.
*I looked it up: red ruffed lemur!
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Image properties
Dimensions: 4032px * 3024px
Published: July - 23 - 2010
Camera: Olympus
Date: 2010:07:20 12:47:48
Exposure: 1/180
Focal length: 215/1
ISO: 800
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Lazy monkey: I don't recall the species, but this was a very cute (but scary!) monkey at Zoo Antwerp. He was behind glass. The first moment it was asleep and the next he looked right into the lens.
*I looked it up: red ruffed lemur! Lazy monkey: I don't recall the species, but this was a very cute (but scary!) monkey at Zoo Antwerp. He was behind glass. The first moment it was asleep and the next he looked right into the lens.
*I looked it up: red ruffed lemur! Lazy monkey: I don't recall the species, but this was a very cute (but scary!) monkey at Zoo Antwerp. He was behind glass. The first moment it was asleep and the next he looked right into the lens.
*I looked it up: red ruffed lemur! Lazy monkey: I don't recall the species, but this was a very cute (but scary!) monkey at Zoo Antwerp. He was behind glass. The first moment it was asleep and the next he looked right into the lens. *I looked it up: red ruffed lemur! 300px // 600px // 100px