Homa, the Sculptures

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Homa, the Sculptures: Iranian people say that in the past Persians used Homa to choose kings: the person who Homa set on him became king of Persia.The Sculptures of Home now is in Persepolise,  Shiraz, Iran.
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Iranian people say that in the past Persians used Homa to choose kings: the person who Homa set on him became king of Persia.The Sculptures of Home now is in Persepolise, Shiraz, Iran.
Homa, the Sculptures: Iranian people say that in the past Persians used Homa to choose kings: the person who Homa set on him became king of Persia.The Sculptures of Home now is in Persepolise,  Shiraz, Iran.
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Published: July - 06 - 2013
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Homa, the Sculptures: Iranian people say that in the past Persians used Homa to choose kings: the person who Homa set on him became king of Persia.The Sculptures of Home now is in Persepolise,  Shiraz, Iran. Homa, the Sculptures: Iranian people say that in the past Persians used Homa to choose kings: the person who Homa set on him became king of Persia.The Sculptures of Home now is in Persepolise,  Shiraz, Iran. Homa, the Sculptures: Iranian people say that in the past Persians used Homa to choose kings: the person who Homa set on him became king of Persia.The Sculptures of Home now is in Persepolise,  Shiraz, Iran. Homa, the Sculptures: Iranian people say that in the past Persians used Homa to choose kings: the person who Homa set on him became king of Persia.The Sculptures of Home now is in Persepolise, Shiraz, Iran. 300px //a.rgbimg.com/users/n/ne/nemati/600/oaPYkeY.jpg 600px //a.rgbimg.com/users/n/ne/nemati/600/oaPYkeY.jpg 100px