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Cathedral: Cathedral from the Bishops Garden
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Cathedral from the Bishops Garden
Cathedral: Cathedral from the Bishops Garden

April 20, 2022 gazo

Muito obrigado.

June 12, 2014 Norfolk-Lady

Thank You it's beautiful

March 17, 2014 sunilfom.simranheritage

I like this natural picture too much !

January 15, 2014 drcampbell03

I love the picture. What is going on in the bottom left of the photo, around the people? If you didn't retouch this then you have a ghost in your picture or maybe a time traveler :) I do like your work Gramps. you have an amazing eye. Just having some fun...but really look at it and what is that?

July 17, 2013 weirdvis

I'm hoping to go back to Wells next year. I love the Bishops Garden. Like Mike said, great reflections. I'll add beautifully framed to that.

July 17, 2013 happyture

Very nice, great reflections.

Gramps profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 5166px * 3445px
Published: July - 16 - 2013
Camera: Canon EOS 550D
Date: 2013:07:07 11:20:02
Exposure: --
Focal length: 18mm
ISO: --
Permalink obLRKP0x
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Cathedral: Cathedral from the Bishops Garden Cathedral: Cathedral from the Bishops Garden Cathedral: Cathedral from the Bishops Garden Cathedral: Cathedral from the Bishops Garden 300px // 600px // 100px