RGBstock wishes you and your family all the best for 2013. We hope it will be a fantastic new year!
Oh yes, dressed for success.... New Years Eve with all rockets and other firework (and know it is not political correct), but ... I love it
Happy New Year
Just back from the local celebration. All the best everyone!
I wish you all a happy, healty and productive new year ! :-)
Happy New Year, Miss Sophie. Best wishes to everyone at RGB.
(¯`´♥(¯`´♥.¸________ღ☆ღ_________ ¸.♥´´¯)♥´´¯)
☆ ▓▒░ ☆♥☆♥ HAPPY 2013 ♥☆♥☆ ░▒▓ ☆
(_¸.♥(_¸.♥´´ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ღ☆ღ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ `´♥.¸_)♥.¸_)
I wish you all a successful 2013
So are the originals dingbats? I am fascinated. I never knew you could paste image-like characters. And Agnes is doing it, too! :o)