The Christmas Competition is closed. You have four days to vote for your favourite entries. Voting closes on Wednesday midnight, USA time.
I'm sorry that voting time has been shortened, but we need time to get the winners up on the front page, and this is the week before Christmas. I now have plans that I didn't have when I posted the competition. (I'm going to see my grandbabies! Yay! :) )
I apologise for confusing anyone with my original instructions. If you used the keywords, “xmasphot03” or "xmasgrap03”, then please change this to "comphot03" or "comgrap03". First posts can't be edited, so I was unable to change this when it was pointed out to me (thanks, Phil). I will look for any mis-labelled images and contact the people who posted them. (None so far.)
Read the instructions again if you don't know how to vote. Once we tally the figures, the winner will be announced. Good luck to all those who entered! This one is going to be really hard to pick.
a question: do we vote separatly for photos and graphs, or do we have 3 votes in total? It is very difficult to judge them as if they were in the same category...
Our votes are:
3 points - decar66 -
2 points - RWLinder -
1 point - lusi -
-- Christa & Michael
I guess there are two competitions, graphics and photos, so we have to cast votes for both competitions separately, am I right?
We didn't do that with the previous competition. Do you all want to vote that way? I'll need a lot of responses to change it. Otherwise, three votes it is. (And it doubles the work of tallying scores.)
in the last competition there were only 2 graphics and a couple more images, therefore no sense in voting separately. Perhaps it is now too late to make it a separate competition, but, in my opinion, with all the superb graphics the photos don't have much chance....
The problem with making that change right now is that no-one knows about it. You all might have six votes, while others will just use three. That isn't fair, either.
The rules (and yes, I know I messed up in the post about other things) said three votes, and no-one protested that in the beginning, so I'm going to stick to that. If you only had one vote it would be the same.
Perhaps in the next competition we can have everyone's ideas early and go from there. People were eager for a competition, and some didn't want a traditional one, so I did two. It was all a rush, and the timing was bad. I'm learning from my mistakes, and hopefully the next one will be more successful and more satisfying for everyone. We may even be able to have a small prize.
One photo and one graphic will win, regardless of whether there are not many votes for the photos. And you can't vote for all the great graphics even with three votes. You have to choose the one you like most.
I think it's clear enough for everyone, just three votes. Thanks for the clarification Dez.
My votes are:
3 points - fangol -
2 points - Tinneketin -
1 point - Tacluda -
ok, here are my votes
3 points reznor
2 points fangol
1 point tacluda
My votes are:
3 points - decar66 -
2 points - tinneketin -
1 point - lusi -
Here are my votes
3 points - fangol -
2 points - reznor70 -
1point - tinnekin -
My votes are:
3 points - fangol -
2 points - decar66 -
1 point - Gramps -
3 points reznor
2 point - lusi -
1 point - lusi -
my votes go to:
3 points - renzor -
2 points - fangol -
1 point - tacluda -
good luck to all participants :)
3 points: fangol -
2 points: tinneketin -
1 point: Gramps -
Difficult choices here. So much good work submitted. Well done everyone. :0)
3 points : fangol -
2 points : tinneketin -!
1 point : reznor
3 points- fangol -
2 points - tinneketin -!
1 point - decar66 -
I think there were some marvellous images, but we had only a small number of votes, and only one can win each section. Although I didn't vote for them, reznor70 and Chlanra4U had spectacular images entered. And I've never seen a bad image from fangol, so choosing one out of the pack was hard, too. Eventually I went for the amount of work and eye impact for the graphics, and the photographic quality and appeal of the photo. Well done, everyone - and we see some rising stars in this competition.
Has everyone made a comment about the number of points under the image they voted for in this topic?
My votes:
3 points reznor
2 points decar66
1 point fangol
Voting in this competition is now closed. I will tally the votes and get back to you.
This is a mess. People voted on the images and not here and vice versa. I was not going to count the votes if they were done incorrectly, but it's a shame not to, so I will have to open each image and count the votes there as well as here. This may take a while.