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Australia Day

1. xymonau26 January 2011, 7:17 GMT +01:00

Well, it's almost over, but it was nice to have a public holiday. To all the Oz readers, I hope you had a nice break! I hope it wasn't too hot for you.

2. Ayla8726 January 2011, 7:38 GMT +01:00

You are to be envied for having a day off :)
Over here it is nearly 0°C, quite frosty, with a little bit of snowy rain outside.
Yesterday we had some strong winds because I ate the rest of this one:
rather stormy in effect LOL, but deliciously cooked by Christa with a sauce made from cream, onions and caraway. caraway is a strange name for a spice, btw. Maybe that is the problem - I have no driving license ; )

3. xymonau26 January 2011, 10:17 GMT +01:00

I love cabbage, and savoy cabbage is really nice. I usually just have it steamed, no sauce. Cabbage doesn't give me any problems, but the onions would! LOL

I used to love the cold weather, although I have never lived where there is snow (it snows in this country in various places, but I still haven't seen snow). Now that I am getting older, I don't enjoy it as much, but I really dislike hot weather. Once it's past 28C, I am unhappy! It was a very hot day here - although the online weather says it was 28, I'm sure it was over 30. Maybe it was the humidity that made it feel that way. Never mind, it's tolerable, and it didn't rain at all today - the first time in weeks! I got my washing dry!

4. Ayla8726 January 2011, 10:40 GMT +01:00

For me it would be a terrible loss not to have seen snow. It can look quite magical and changes the way everything looks like quite a lot. I also think that it is much easier to cope with cold wheather, you can always wear some more pullovers. Heat on the other hand is something I can hardly bear. Heat and humidity together are even worse - I feel with you...

5. gesinek26 January 2011, 12:00 GMT +01:00

But it's fine, that all the activities at Australia day could happen and it doesn't rain. Celebrations in rain are mostly sad, cause everyone makes a great effort to make a beautiful day for other, and when it rains a lot of the offered activities fell into water and no one is interested in it.
I read about the day at http://www.australiaday.org.au/experience/

6. xymonau26 January 2011, 12:50 GMT +01:00

That's a nice link, Gesine. Thank you. Yes, there is nothing like rain to ruin a perfectly-planned day!

Re snow - I would love to experience it before I die. Nice deep stuff. Still, I wouldn't trade places permanently with anyone. I love Queensland. I was born here (in the tropics, actually), and although I lived in Sydney for about seven years, it was wonderful to come back. Sadly, tourism is taking over in the nicest spots, and pushing prices up everywhere.

7. gesinek26 January 2011, 13:09 GMT +01:00

I don't like snow. It's pretty to see it on the trees and the world around you gets a little more quiet, but car driving is difficult the streets are very slippy or you sink into snow up to your hips. And you are always in danger to fall down and break a leg or something. In the four or five weeks we had snow this winter I fell down 6 times. I wasn't hurt but it's annoying.

8. xymonau27 January 2011, 10:23 GMT +01:00

Those are the things no-one talks about, so I don't think of that. I would hate to be walking on ice - or even driving.

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