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4 seasons on 45 seconds

1. jimdaly9817 February 2011, 18:39 GMT +01:00

Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.

1154. happyture19 September 2011, 8:19 GMT +02:00

Well you better load up on the caffeine then, redbull to drink on the way, think you can get a sugar free one now, there is a cheaper version on the market over here that works better i have tried it, i wish you a safe journey dezzie, when you leaving ?

1155. xymonau19 September 2011, 9:21 GMT +02:00

Never, at this rate. I have had a really slow pulse for two days - 35 this morning - and it worries me. I did very little all day - brain dead, mostly - and this afternoon did a couple of things. I have all day. It takes me four hours to get to where I'm going. And it's school holidays, so lots of traffic on the roads - except in Brisbane, because it's always like a ghost town (comparatively) during the hols. As long as I leave by no later than 1 - although I want to go a lot earlier - I'll get there before dark. My eyes stop working after dark. Some sort of vampiric problem, I suspect. And of course, there are the toilet stops on the way. I have to fill the tank as well - it's fairly empty. Oh, it's a joy not to have to go to work. I can't get it out of my mind yet. But once I see the kids, that will be good. Shopping and a picnic in a park, and lots of cuddles. I will have to play hide and seek half the night. They still always hide in the same spot! LOL But they might have grown up a bit since I saw them last. They sound older on the phone.

1156. happyture19 September 2011, 9:40 GMT +02:00

Ha yeah, time stands still for us yet moves fast for the young, that first cuddle will make it all worth while dezzie, forget work, tell ya, you just a number, i found that out when i damaged myself at work, cant get rid quick enough, clear your mind, set it solely in holiday mode, drink plenty, radio on, window open, or air con on, then think A 2 B and drive careful, i knows your gonna have a great time there :O)

1157. xymonau19 September 2011, 10:45 GMT +02:00

I just had a long talk to them on the phone. They're with their Dad for a week. One of them used the word, "aggressively". I nearly laughed, it sounded so cute. It's funny, one talks the leg off a chair and the other is already a good listener, who told me she wants to buy a diary to write down her feelings. LOL She's six years old - do they HAVE write-able feelings??? These girls make up for the blur that was my son at that age. His only feelings were hungry and need to go to the toilet.

Hey, is it getting cooler there? It's getting hotter here. I don't like summer, but I look forward to the long days.

1158. happyture19 September 2011, 16:14 GMT +02:00

Ooooh dear, sounds like 6 coming on 16 to me bless them, my grandson is the same he'll sit and talk like a old man for hours, and i dare not mention the word Games,,oh no no,, a day can disappear, yes its starting to get cold here now so you must be a month or 2 away from full summer..

1159. xymonau20 September 2011, 2:29 GMT +02:00

September the first is the first day of spring here, and December first is summer. We have already had a couple of hot days - although the heat didn't last for long, and the nights are still cold. But it won't be long before the airconditioner has to be set up again. We had such a long cold winter, I wonder if the summer will swing to the extreme.

I'm just having a late breakfast, then I will head off. Here's a gorgeous little critter I wanted to share before I go:


It's a long-eared jerboa. I want one!

1160. happyture20 September 2011, 11:04 GMT +02:00

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Summer, The best day of the year here in drab old blighty,

Now Dezzie, I dont think you noticed that whoever is holding that little Gremlin has got a really thick pair of leather gloves on, and also, Wee BIG ears is sinking its teefs into his glove... ??

1161. micromoth22 September 2011, 6:37 GMT +02:00

They eat gloves.

1162. happyture22 September 2011, 9:40 GMT +02:00

Yeah,,,,think id make a nice wallet, or purse for the Mrs out of him, Thats probably why their ears are so BIG, they get picked up and thrown by um a lot?

1163. xymonau22 September 2011, 10:16 GMT +02:00

Oh, you have no soul. He's so CUTE that he could gnaw away at my hand and I'd still coo and cluck over him.

No, Kevin. As you well know, MOFFS eat gloves!

1164. happyture23 September 2011, 8:03 GMT +02:00

ha ha ha,,Moffs eat gloves,,,ohhh deary deary me, making me laff at 7.00hay hem in day morn, i dont know gurl you is a comic worserererer than me :O)

1165. xymonau23 September 2011, 8:24 GMT +02:00

But I can tork bettererer.

Why is you outa bed at that horrible hour? Lunch izzent until 12. Don't make no sense gettin' up before then.

1166. micromoth23 September 2011, 9:10 GMT +02:00

Hasser be *hrrrmmphhh* der call o' nature.

1167. xymonau23 September 2011, 9:16 GMT +02:00

Oh, nature don't call him enny more. She's a little bit scared of how he looks in the mornin'. Well, who woodent be?

1168. happyture23 September 2011, 11:30 GMT +02:00

You juss trying to ruffle me feathers, I,ll av u no that hime juss as handsum in da murning as i is at henny other tyme of day,,,"wets finger and does right eyebrow"

1169. xymonau24 September 2011, 10:24 GMT +02:00

Well, I does find yer right highbrow rarver hintoximacatin' at any time of day.

Oh, Mikey, I tole you before - I HAS to pick on sumwun or I gets a bit twitchy. You bein' such a good friend gets the noble tarsk of bein'n my harmer bearer.

1170. happyture24 September 2011, 11:45 GMT +02:00

An i dont mynd a bit, i got broad shoulders an can take any kinda bullyin, got scars to proove it, henny ways, i cud not find me clay, think the cockroaches ateted it, i did make a chess set outta flour n water, they waz wunderful left um to dry on the window and Bloody Ma Eated um thinkin i been bakin an all, i did try makin her sick but woz too late they woz gonners!

1171. xymonau24 September 2011, 12:02 GMT +02:00

That surprises me, Mikey. You makes me sick constantly, an' I can hardly digest in your presence. Yer Ma must has an iron constitushun. Is she gunna pay you for the chess set? Charge her retail. She had no right. That was mine! Gottenny mor flour? I woz so lookin' forward to pengwins.

1172. happyture24 September 2011, 23:02 GMT +02:00

Lisen here mrs, one hinsalt at a tyme, Ma said she like the extra salty taste to um, but has chipped her honely gud toof, you know the one, the one that swings like a barn door in the front of her gob.....

1173. xymonau25 September 2011, 2:33 GMT +02:00

You can borrer better teefs from the fishes. Maybe she wants to borrer some, too?

Now, about my pengwins - the nex' set orta be made outa crusts.

1174. happyture25 September 2011, 16:14 GMT +02:00

Ha no, no food products cuz she'll unt um down and eat um again, woz gunna get sum plasaseen and plaster an try them first, she wont eat that , too ard on the toof!

1175. xymonau25 September 2011, 16:35 GMT +02:00

What about papier mache? That's not edible, and it's squishy and fun. I think you could make some wunnerful pengwins outa it.

1176. happyture26 September 2011, 8:21 GMT +02:00

Sounds like a gud highdear, Ma could even give a hellping hand , well jaw, she could chew the paper until mushy then i can mould it into works of art like what i always do.

1177. xymonau26 September 2011, 8:24 GMT +02:00

You is the master hof hinvenshun, Mikey, my friend. You is a skoller an' a gennlemans.

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