Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.
Ah fanks Dezzie flower, bless its nice to have a smiling face to look at this early in the morn,,,what time in oz now ?
Breakfast time,,,wish Ma would stop putting the catfood into empty cereal boxes?
Well, you enjoy your breakfast. I'm boiling beetroot for my tea. I think I shall have vegemables - lots of. I have some purple potatoes. What is it with all the purple veggies these days? Purple Dutch carrots and big ones, purple brocolli, everything is purple. Have they had a special on ink or something?
I had a chocolate pudding fruit the other day - black sapote. Ever had one? I hate ordinary persimmons, but this didn't have the yuk texture, and it was rather pleasant.
I can honestly say no i have never tried one of those, its a strange thing about us UKlanders we dont experiment with food , as they say english born bred and fed, i eat nowhere near enough fruit n veg, yet its the best thing for you, must try to eat more :O)
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Oooow, that sounds nasty, maybe global monitoring,,fbi ,cid, Interpol?? run Dezzie Run,,,,Run like forest gump ,,,run till you cant run no more.....
You did that accent very well, Mikey. I yam himpressed.
I phoned an internet friend on Saturday - an elderly lady I have been talking to for years, mostly on Messenger, but also in emails, etc. I had phoned her probably about 8 or so years ago. Recently her grandson died - in his early 30s - from a drug overdose, they think. I wanted to speak directly to her rather than send a card. It was so funny. I said who I was, and she said, "Dayz/ i don't know anyone of that name!" This continued for about a minute and a half. She just wasn't getting who I was, even when I mentioned Australia. Then suddenly light dawned, and she nearly took out my eardrum! I had forgotten how thick her accent was - she lives in Kentucky - but it was so good to have a chat. I spoke to her husband, who kept calling me "Ma'am". And I spoke to her granddaughter, who was lovely.
Maybe it is Interpol. You can't take a photo these days, and maybe you can't phone your friends any more!
Thats so nice Dezzi, its really nice to keep in contact with friends n family, i must admit i am not at all close with my family, maybe a text off one of my brothers now and then, my house normally has plenty of visitors friends, or maybe its just to save their own tea bags????
Na, they'd have to like you even with the tea bags, Mikey. Let's face it, you lives wif yer Ma.
NO,,NO i dont live with me Ma,,,,Oh NO NO NO! she came for tea once and chained herself to the table leg, the rest is history.. :O)
She prob'ly losted them teefs gnawin' at the table leg, then. You shooda fed her.
Na,,it would only become a habit,,,then id have to feed her every day!
Point taken. I never thoughta that.
Hey, there's a good free book online called the "Full Plate Diet", and I've just downloaded it. It is about weight loss, but in a different way. When you said above about eating more veges, I was in the middle of the download. They talk about increasing fibre from fruit and veges, and drinking more water, as opposed to restricting your intake of food. It's not vegetarian, but it sounded good, so I downloaded it. You can just read it online here:
Scroll down for the link. Some nice recipes, too.
Well, I guess you're sleepin' again. Tsk! The sun is shinin', the birds is singin' an' you're hidin' onna other side of the planet, sleepin'!
Sorry Dezzie, juss add two get me forty winks, had a busy day n all, my friend has a land yacht, or wind cart whatever you call them things, 3 wheels and a bloody big sail, Well, we went around the Welsh coast looking for a nice beach to give her a burn,,we found one and guess what,,,,,,,,,,,,,the wind dropped, no wind at all,,,my friend wasn't happy at all,,but at least we found a good beach long enouigh to get the thing up to full speed...any way, i apologize for sleeping but me peepers went on strike, couldn't do anything about it :O)
No, no - it's alright. But you're gonna be up all night now, harnchoo? Serve you right.
Land yacht? You call that a land yacht? THIS is a land yacht: