Which one of these has better composition? I'm going to make a painting of one but can't choose.
My vote is for the one with three figures rather than two. In the latter, there is insufficient interest towards the righthand side of the frame. Just my opinion.
If you are just painting the main figure, I think the single pose is more interesting and you can see more of her eye, as well as a thoughtful expression. I'd leave out the partial figure. I'd also make the borders tight around the person.
Ok thanks guys, I appreciate the help! As fate would have it, school started so I don't currently have time to paint anyway. So I'll keep thinking about your comments & if I do paint it I'll try to remember to let you know what I decide. :)
Ok so I guess I had more time on my hands than I thought this week... at any rate, here's the results. :) Thanks for the coaching, guys! It makes a huge difference just to feel confident about the piece's potential!!!