I have a new image online (thanks for the nice comment on it, Dez!) where I am still a bit clueless what animal has given his skin to be cast in plastic here. A crocodile? A snake? Any ideas?
You can watch it in three variations:
Thanks for your input...
If the pattern is larger than a few millimetres, then it is likely to be crocodile. Very small, and it's snake.
agree with dez. most likely a croc - this is just my opinion, not a qualified one!
(... and Dez, couldnt it be a very small croc ? hehe :P )
Yep, agree with Dez, however the pattern and the emboss are two different things, could either by a Croc's belly pattern or a snake pattern. The crocs back is very embossed. Well, there are not too many Crocs in my country, but we have Discovery Channel... ;)))))
Congrats, its a nice texture.
Who cares as long as it doesn't have any teeth? :D
Nice shot BTW.
Mikey, has yer Ma been seen anywhere recently? Has she? I don't wanna go accusin' anyone of a heinous crime or anyfink, but it is just not possible to duplicate her skin! Oh, the humanity!!
Thanks for your suggestions. My Ma still has some teeth, so it shouldn't be from her knees :)
@9, So as my Ma, she carries them in her purse..... @ our Dezzie, Don't go accusing me again, any way, Ma is covered in tattoo's her pelt would be covered in Anchors and roses and things,, be a dead give away wouldn't it...
@10 ROFL - I always what purses are used for, now I've got an idea ;)
I wasn't accusin' you, Mikey. I was accusing (nods head in direction of Michael and Christina and winks) - er - someone else. They had PHOTOS, after all.
OOOOOOOhhhhhh, bit slow on the uptake there i was Dezzie, My Ma's purse has a goverment health warning on it...